
Our mission at Binnacle Training is to enable teachers with quality programs and support at an affordable price point for our schools.


2025 Price Schedule

NOTE: Our current and future ‘Fee For Service’ fees will only be based on our internal price indexing and are not dependent on government funding.

At the commencement of Term 1, an initial invoice (10 participant places) is sent for each ‘Fee for Service’ Only Certificate Program.  

Do you anticipate a class size of less than 10?  If you are unable to reach 10 participants, the Partner School is to contact Binnacle Training prior to this initial invoice being sent. Where agreed, a modified initial invoice will be drawn.

An adjustment invoice will be sent for the balance of places after the enrolment cut-off date (30 June, in the year of course commencement). Fees are invoiced to the school and cover the full course duration.

Certificate Programs – Tourism, Business, Sport & Fitness

Certificate Programs attract both a ‘Participant Fee’ and ‘Program Fee’. All fees are invoiced to the school and cover the full course duration.

Participant Fee

A ‘per participant’ fee is applied to each Certificate Program, based on the number of participants once the enrolment cut-off date has lapsed. The participant fee is GST FREE.

Certificate Program – VETiS Eligible^ OfferingPer Participant Fee
SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation$265.00 per person + First Aid $55.00 (plus Sport-specific accreditation if applicable*)

NOTE: Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Participant Fees are 100% waived for eligible students who access their VETiS subsidy for this qualification with Binnacle as a Skills Assure Supplier.
^ Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) initiative, funded by the Queensland Government. Binnacle Training is approved as a Skills Assure Supplier (SAS) to deliver Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (SIS20122) as a VETiS funded qualification. All other qualifications are delivered as ‘Fee for Service’ only.

Students who are a) not accessing the VETiS subsidy; and b) unable to meet one or both of these ‘Sport Specialty’ costs (see below) will still be able to participate in learning, however won’t be eligible to receive this additional ‘sport-specific’ accreditation.

Tourism & Business

Certificate Programs – ‘Fee for Service’ OfferingsPer Participant Fee
Dual Qualification: BSB30120 Certificate III in Business + SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism$265.00 per person (Cert II entry qualification = $225.00 + Cert III Gap Fee = $40.00)
SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism$225.00 per person


Certificate Programs – ‘Fee for Service’ OfferingsPer Participant Fee
Dual Qualification: BSB30120 Certificate III in Business + BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills$265.00 per person (Cert II entry qualification = $225.00 + Cert III Gap Fee = $40.00)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business$265.00 per person
BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills$225.00 per person


Certificate Programs – ‘Fee for Service’ OfferingsPer Participant Fee
Dual Qualification: SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness + SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation$365.00 per person (Cert II entry qualification = $265.00 + Cert III Gap Fee = $100.00) + First Aid $55.00 (plus Sport-specific accreditation if applicable*)
SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness$365.00 per person + First Aid $55.00
*Sport Specialty Formats. In addition to the outcomes of the nationally recognised qualification, Binnacle’s Sport Specialty Formats also incorporate the sport-specific foundational (e.g. Level 1) officiating and/or coaching accreditations as endorsed by the respective National/State Sporting Organisation.

To date, Binnacle has formalised the following Sport Specialty Formats – NRL, Netball, Rugby Union and AFLQ. Importantly however, schools can offer a Sport Specialty Format outside of these four sporting codes.

Sport and Recreation

Certificate Programs – ‘Fee for Service’ OfferingsPer Participant Fee
Dual Qualification: SIS30122 Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation + SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation$335.00 per person (Cert II entry qualification = $265.00 + Cert III Gap Fee = $70.00) + First Aid $55.00 (plus Sport-specific accreditation if applicable*)
SIS30122 Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation$335.00 per person + First Aid $55.00
SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation$265.00 per person (plus Sport-specific accreditation if applicable*)
SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching$265.00 per person + First Aid $55.00
*Sport Specialty Formats. In addition to the outcomes of the nationally recognised qualification, Binnacle’s Sport Specialty Formats also incorporate the sport-specific foundational (e.g. Level 1) officiating and/or coaching accreditations as endorsed by the respective National/State Sporting Organisation.

To date, Binnacle has formalised the following Sport Specialty Formats – NRL, Netball, Rugby Union and AFLQ. Importantly however, schools can offer a Sport Specialty Format outside of these four sporting codes.

Sport Specialty Add-ons

Sport Specialty AccreditationsAdditional Per Participant Fee*
NRL – Level 1 Referee + Level 1 Modified Games Coaching (MGC) accreditations$25.00^ + $25.00 per person
Netball – Online Foundation Umpire Course + (Optional) Foundation Coach Accreditation$40.00 + (optional) $65.00 person
Rugby Union – Level 1 Referee (Foundation) + Level 1 Coach (Foundation)$47.50 + $47.50 per person
AFL Level 1 Umpire Accreditation + Level 1 Coaching Accreditation (Junior, Youth and Senior)$15.00 + $49.50 per person
* Pricing subject to change – determined by the respective National/State Sporting Organisation.

^ The NRL is currently waiving this ‘Level 1 Referee’ fee component for Binnacle schools where students assist (as officials) in the NRL’s scheduled ‘Gala Days’ for that region.

Program Fee

This fee covers each program cohort for the full course duration and is invoiced at the commencement of Term 1 of the program.
Please note, the figures in relation to the Program Fee are GST INCLUSIVE.

To see our comprehensive list of inclusions within this program fee – CLICK HERE.

Number of Certificate Programs (including Certificate II stand-alone offerings)Total
1 x 2025 Certificate Program$1,450.00
2 x 2025 Certificate Programs (e.g. Certificate III Business, Certificate II Sport and Recreation)$1,780.00
3 x 2025 Certificate Programs (e.g. Certificate III Business, Certificate II Workplace Skills, Certificate II Sport and Recreation)$2,110.00
4 (or more) x 2025 Certificate Programs (e.g. Certificate III Business, Certificate II Workplace Skills, Certificate II Sport and Recreation, Dual Qual: Certificate III Fitness + Certificate II Sport and Recreation)$2,440.00
*Certificate Programs include both Dual Qualification offerings and Stand-Alone Qualification offerings. A Dual Qualification offering (e.g. Certificate III in Business + Certificate II in Tourism) = 1 x Certificate Program. A Stand-Alone Qualification (e.g. Certificate II in Sport and Recreation) = 1 x Certificate Program.

A school is undertaking the 2025 Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation (2 classes – total 38 students) and the 2025 Certificate II in Workplace Skills (1 class – total 17 students):

Participant Fee:
2025 Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation = 38 students x $335 = $12,730
2025 Certificate II in Workplace Skills = 17 students x $225 = $3,825

Program Fee:
2 x 2025 Certificate Programs = $1,780

Short Courses & First Aid Courses

Short Courses and First Aid Courses attract a ‘Participant Fee’ only. All fees are invoiced to the school and cover the full course duration.

Short Courses

Each Short Course incurs a Participant Fee ONLY. A ‘per participant’ fee is applied at the time submitted assessment has been processed by Binnacle. The participant fee is GST FREE.

Short CoursePer Participant Fee
Sports Emergency Management + First Aid
1-Term Format (2-Unit Short Course; plus the nationally recognised First Aid and CPR units: HLTAID011 Provide First Aid + HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
Maximum 2 QCE Credits (QLD Schools) for 4-Unit Short Course. 
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 4 units of competency towards SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching. 
$80.00 per person ($55.00 First Aid + $25.00 Gap Fee)
Introduction to Sport, Fitness & Recreation
2-Term Format (4-Unit Short Course) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
Maximum 2 QCE Credits (QLD Schools) for 4-Unit Short Course. 
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 4 units of competency towards SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness. 
$80.00 per person
Introduction to Sport
1-Term Format (2-Unit Short Course) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
No QCE Credits for 2-Unit Short Course. 
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 2 units of competency towards SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness.
$55.00 per person
Introduction to Fitness 
1-Term Format (2-Unit Short Course) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
No QCE Credits for 2-Unit Short Course. 
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 2 units of competen
cy towards SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness.
$55.00 per person
Inclusivity and Communication in the Workplace 
1-Term Format (3-Unit Short Course) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
Maximum 1 QCE Credit (QLD Schools) for 3-Unit Short Course. 

A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 3 units of competency towards SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism. 
$70.00 per person
Technology in the Workplace
1-Term Format (2-Unit Short Course) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
No QCE Credits for 2-Unit Short Course. 
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 2 units of competenc
y towards BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills.
$55.00 per person
Financial Literacy – Develop and apply knowledge of personal finances (FNSFLT311)*
1-Term Format or Flexible Delivery Options (1-Unit Short Course) 
Suitable Year Level: Year 10 (or Year 11 or 12) 
A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment – 1 unit of competency.
$55.00* per person
* Participant fee will be waived in full for students who complete this unit of competency (FNSFLT311) as an elective in Binnacle’s full Certificate Program – 2025 Certificate III in Business.

First Aid Courses

Each First Aid Course incurs a Participant Fee ONLY. A ‘per participant’ fee is applied at the time submitted assessment has been processed by Binnacle. The participant fee is GST FREE.

First Aid CoursePer Participant Fee
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid (note, this includes CPR)$55.00 per person
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)* $40.00* per person

* Participant fee will be waived in full for students who have previously completed Provide First Aid (HLTAID011) with Binnacle Training as part of their Certificate Program (i.e. Certificate III in Fitness or Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation) – as scheduled in Term 4 of their 2024 or 2025 Certificate Program.